Home / BPH / Treatment / Effective medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and possible contraindications.

Treatment of BPH medications: each drug has its function.

Medical treatment suffering from BPH who have the initial signs of violations of the outflow of urine without involvement in the pathological process of the kidneys and ureters, in the absence of any serious complications.

Through the study of the mechanisms of development of BPH, recent advances in pharmacology have allowed researchers to create medications for the treatment of benign hyperplasia. The purpose of these drugs is to eliminate the cause of pathological changes in the prostate.

A method of treatment of patients with BPH is selected individually by a physician based on the presence of indications and contraindications.

This necessarily takes into account the following factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases of other organs and systems;
  • the degree of manifestation of clinical symptoms of current disease.

In addition, special attention is paid to prostate size and direction of growth of the adenoma.

Key tasks:

  • improving the quality of life;
  • reducing symptoms caused by BPH;
  • prevention of disease progression;
  • the prevention or reduction of disorders of urination and the need for surgical treatment.


  • the volume of urine less than 100 ml;
  • the maximum speed of the outflow of urine not less than 5 and not more than 15 ml/sec;
  • the residual urine volume of 150 ml;
  • the result of the test that determines the patient's quality of life at least 3 points;
  • the result of the test that determines the evaluation of symptoms more than 8 and less than 19 points.

Also conservative treatment of the prostate is performed for patients who, for various reasons, refused surgical intervention.

The main drugs of modern medicine

The most effectiveness of 5-alpha-reductase shows when prostate volume over 40 ml and a prostate antigen level of 1.4 ng/ml. a Positive result can be seen only after 4-6 months after initiation of treatment with drugs.

For this group of medications, typical side effects such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorder. It should be noted that treatment with 5-alpha reductase leads to a reduction of PSA levels in the serum of 45 %, it should be considered in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Alpha-1-blockers (terazosin, doxazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin)

Appointed with the aim of expanding the prostatic part of the urethra that is narrowed by binding of hormones with alpha-1-adrenergic receptors. The goal of drug therapy blockers is to restore normal urination and removed stagnation in the bladder.

Medical information it is known that patients diagnosed with prostate cancer an increase in the activity of nerve fibers, which subsequently causes an increase tone of smooth structures of the prostate.

In the basis of mechanism of action blockers lies the maximum relaxation of smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder neck, thus reducing resistance to the outflow of urine when urinating and allows it to pass freely through the urethra.

Improvement in urination was observed after 14-28 days after the start of reception of blockers and maintained throughout the treatment.

When taking blockers may experience some side effects such as dizziness, low blood pressure, headache, retrograde ejaculation.

The choice of alpha-1-blockers are made by a specialist considering the patient's General condition, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and associated treatment. If the result of the actions of the blockers, the treatment lasts for a long time, in some cases throughout life.

Herbal medicine

Drugs of plant origin or, as they are called, phytotherapeutic agents are natural substances that help to eliminate other factors of growth of the adenoma (in addition to dihydrotestosterone).

Herbal medicines are extracts of the roots Pygeum africanum and Serenoa Repens extracts. Mechanism of action at the moment are understudied, but a positive effect in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia proven.

The greatest effect of the application ofmedicines observed in the combined treatment, that is, at the same time assigned to the preparation of alpha-1-blockers and an inhibitor of 5-alpha-reductase. This combination affects all pathological processes in the prostate gland, and significantly improve the outcomes of drug therapy of the adenoma.

If adenoma accompanied by any infection, then medications additionally appointed reception of antibiotics.

In the case of disease progression, drug treatment may not always give the desired result, but a timely appeal to the specialist and the correct destination of the drugs listed the patient's condition markedly improved, and to improve the quality of life. To prevent re-enlarged prostate with subsequent surgical intervention, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive courses of conservative therapy.


  • scarring in the pelvis as a result of previous surgical interventions on the prostate;
  • the acute phase of the inflammatory process in the lower urinary tract;
  • the suspicion of a malignant tumor in the prostate gland;
  • severe stage of kidney failure, which is accompanied by discharge of blood with urine.

In these cases, the tactic of medical treatment of the patient is produced on an individual basis.