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The symptoms of chronic prostatitis. From internal pain to external manifestations.

Chronic prostatitis – a common male disease and its main symptoms are discomfort and pain in the genital area, the perineum, the appearance of delay the outflow of urine, etc. However, most chronic form of prostatitis is asymptomatic and is revealed only at the annual examination by a specialist.

Thanks to modern tactics of treatment of chronic prostatitis can be cured, or moved into a stage of stable remission.

Chronic prostatitis – an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by pain in the pelvic region, and urinary and sexual function.

Prostate gland or prostate is a tubular-shaped gland that is located below the bladder and wraps around the initial part of the urethra. The prostate is actively involved in the formation of sperm.

The chronic form of prostatitis often develops as a slow-inflammation and in rare cases is the result of insufficient or improper treatment of acute prostatitis. Long time since its appearance, the disease does not manifest itself in noticeable symptoms.

This stage doctors call "hidden," and only after certain stressful situations, for example, an illness (sore throat, influenza, etc.), hypothermia, and abnormalities in sexual life, the prostate begins to emerge.

Thus, the chronic form of the disease on their own without the symptoms of acute inflammation develops for two reasons: infections caught in the prostate gland, and congestion.

For chronic forms of the disease characterized by functional disorders, which are divided into the following groups:

  • violations of the urinary system (frequent and painful urination, urine retention, etc.);
  • sexual dysfunction (quick ejaculation, weak erection, orgasm disorders, and pain in the rectum and the urethra during ejaculation, etc.);
  • disorders of the nervous system (neurotic state characterized by increased attention of patients on their condition).

The pain in chronic prostatitis

Pain in the chronic form of the disease is generally aching in nature. She appears in the sacrum, perineum and may spread in the suprapubic region, the rectum, vulva.

This is due to the spreading pain emanating from the prostate, beyond the boundaries of the affected area and involvement in the inflammatory process gland and seminal vesicles.

The intensity of pain can vary from barely noticeable sensations, which are characterized by a sense of discomfort, to severe manifestations, often violatingsleep.

The pain in chronic prostatitis can be concentrated only in isolated areas, such as in the lumbosacral region or in the testicles.

Medical practice shows that when painful feelings that occur only in one area, for example, in the lumbosacral, the patients themselves put themselves the wrong diagnosis (sciatica) and for a long time unsuccessfully treated with home remedies. Therefore, when showing any pain, you should immediately seek medical help, as only a thorough examination allows accurate diagnosis.

Pain in chronic prostatitis are often associated with excessive sexual activity, or abstinence. Pain can weaken or intensify after the orgasm, it can also be felt during ejaculation.

Dysuria in chronic prostatitis

Disorders of urination in chronic prostatitis manifest as painful, and frequent, especially at night, urination. The flow of urine becomes very difficult, the stream thinned and lethargic.

The inflammatory process starts around the area, which ensures normal urination, — posterior urethra and bladder neck.

At the beginning of the disease in patients with chronic prostatitis are often observed violations of the outflow of urine in the form of increased frequency of urination, and then arise difficulties. After some time, due to habituation, these symptoms gradually subside.

Dysuria in chronic prostatitis may be wearing psychogenic in nature, caused by stress or depression.

Sexual disorders in the chronic form of the disease

Many men suffering from chronic prostatitis, there are various disorders in intimate functions: rapid ejaculation, insufficient erection, reduced orgasm, decrease in sexual desire. Such violations when the disease usually have a certain sequence.

At the initial stage there are frequent (especially at night) of the penis, which create sensations of imaginary well-being. After that, there may be some weakening of erection and subsequently, the concern with perceived sensations in the genital area exacerbate sexual disorders that often lead to depression.

The appearance of sexual disorders in the majority of patients with chronic prostatitis with mild changes in the prostate is largely dependent on the involvement in the pathological process of the adjacent organs: the seminal vesicles and seminal hillocks.

Usually first begins to develop premature ejaculation, then weakened erection and reduces the feeling of orgasm. During a long course of chronic forms of a prostatitis at men is reducedthe production of sex hormones and as a consequence of diminished sexual desire.

Even the slightest sexual dysfunction in young men cause a lack of confidence in their abilities, fear of sexual intimacy and rapid psychological reactions that lead to neuroses and thereby impair sexual function.

Sexual disorders can occur men who suffer a hidden form of chronic prostatitis, when his symptoms (dysuria and pain) were absent for long time (a year, two or more).

But despite the lack of specific symptoms, the disease can manifest violation of the reproductive function, that is, infertility.

This happens against the background of an excess of female hormones or lack of male in the male body. Sexual disorders are the result of the current prolonged latent inflammation in the prostate.

Chronic prostatitis rarely leads to impotence, but many males who suffer from this disease, noted a significant decrease in hardness of penis and time of sexual intercourse because of early ejaculation, reduced capacity for subsequent copulations.

External symptoms

In men with chronic prostatitis are strongly expressed vegetative reactions: sweating (especially severe sweating manifests itself in the crotch), discomfort and itching around the genitals, etc.

At the lowered tonus of a prostate and the development of its atony (relaxation) in patients with chronic form of the disease at the end of urination and after bowel movement in some cases, the external opening of the urethra observed secretions of the prostate gland.

During exacerbation of chronic prostatitis may be a slight increase in body temperature to 37-37,50 p. Weakness, a significant decrease in efficiency, initiative, concentration, irritability, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, inappropriate aggressiveness, sleep disturbances, feeling of weakness in the morning.

If chronic prostatitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections, can cause eye inflammation, joint pains, appearance of heart problems, etc.

The most severe outcome of chronic prostatitis is scarring of the prostate tissue with shrinkage body. Often in the inflammatory process involved and the bladder, and the posterior portion of the urethra, leading to persistent violations of the act to the outflow of urine.

It should be noted that if such violation occurred while the chronic form of prostatitis, they contribute to the deterioration of ureters and kidneys, and the progression in which the inflammatory process and the occurrence of urolithiasis.

The older men often found the combination of chronic prostatitis with BPH, which develops due to overgrowth of periurethral glands. Basically, this disease was observed in people older than 50 years and is characterized by symptoms such as frequent and difficult urination — this is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.

Disrupting the outflow of the prostate, adenoma contributes to the progression of the disease (i.e., chronic prostatitis). If there was a question about surgical removal of the adenoma, you first need necessarily undergo a course of treatment of chronic prostatitis.