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Purulent prostatitis. Each type of their treatment.

Follicular or suppurative prostatitis occurs as a consequence of complications from catarrhal prostatitis, which occurs with diseases or as complications of SARS, influenza or sore throats.

Septic type of the disease there are a strong discharge from the prostate gland. The main symptoms are pain in the perineum and a high temperature. Starting timely treatment, even at this stage, you can achieve good results in little time.


Acute prostatitis is divided into types depending on the processes that occur in the prostate tissue, as well as the depth of the lesion of the prostate.

The acute type is divided into:

  • catarrhal, which captures only a fabric of gland ducts;
  • purulent focal, when the secretory lobules of the gland appear pus formation;
  • diffuse (parenchymatous), in which inflammation affects the entire prostate and to appear in it spilled pus formation.

Purulent alopecia (follicular)

With this type of prostatitis inflamed individual secretory lobules or groups.

In the ducts of the prostate accumulate purulent discharge education that impede the discharge of secret, with the result that the slices become inflamed and prostate appear cystic cavity with pus. Men temperature rises to 38-39 C, weakens the immune system, increases perspiration, which is characteristic for acute infection.

Appear sharp nagging pain in the perineum, sometimes felt a sharp pain on the inner thighs and in the sacral region. As a result of swelling of the gland, and also due to the fact that the urethra is stavlennia position, frequent urination that becomes difficult and painful.

Finger examination will reveal painful enlarged prostate with seals and razmagcheniem. In urine may appear purulent filaments, which quickly settle to the bottom. If not treated, the disease will develop into chronic or diffuse type of the disease.

Suppurative diffuse (parenchymatous)

In diffuse suppurative or parenchymatous type, the inflammation covers all of the prostate tissue. Sometimes the inflammatory process is thrown from the prostate in its capsule and surrounding organs. Formed scar tissue, which replaces damaged tissue, resulting in disrupted the normal functioning of the prostate gland.

Also in the man the body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, there is a fever, headache, increased sweating, are symptoms that speak about intoxication.

Appear sharp pain in the perineum, which give to the organ andthe inner surface of the thigh. Sometimes the patient cannot even sit because of pain. The relaxed position of the body in this the prostate — lying on back with bent legs, pressing them to his stomach.

Because of the swollen prostate is squeezed urethra, leading to painful urinary retention.

Man feels pain in region of kidneys, sometimes the pain becomes unbearable. An enlarged prostate creates pressure on the rectum, bringing about the patient feels frequent urge to bowel movements that become difficult.

There is a constant foreign body sensation in the anus and a strong throbbing pain that you can satisfy only to the use of narcotic analgesics. Develop constipation, disturbed by constant pain in the abdomen. In the mucous membrane of the rectum develops reactive inflammation.

From the anus appear mucus. Increase in the blood leukocytes. But in General the analysis of urine pyuria can not be determined. Only sometimes the urine becomes cloudy, as it washed away the pus from the urethra, where it sometimes passes from the excretory ducts of the prostate.


To hold a finger examination of the prostate with diffuse purulent prostatitis is impossible due to severe pain with any manipulation of the prostate.

Even with a light touch to the perineum, the patient feels discomfort and pain. Diagnosis it is possible to deliver with the help of ultrasound. Recovery is possible with long-term, comprehensive and proper treatment. However, the part of functioning parenchymal tissue is lost.