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How to maintain health and to avoid prostatitis?

Today every man should know how to avoid this disease. Despite the innate predisposition of the male to the development of prostatitis, and long for it, avoid it is still possible.

For this you need to follow the simple rules of healthy living and after 30 years regularly visit a urologist for examination.

Rules that help to maintain men's health

Avoid unprotected and casual sex

Up to 50 % of cases of prostatitis occurs as a consequence of infection transferred through sexual contact.

Be regularly checked for venereal disease

This is more about men who have frequent sexual relations with women who are at risk.

Movement is life

You need to move more and to try to lead an active lifestyle, especially for men who most of the time spend in the office sitting at your Desk.

If a man the whole day or for several hours spent in a sitting position, he presses all his weight on the prostate gland.

It is necessary every 2-2,5 hours have to get up and walk or do a light workout.

To avoid hypothermia

Prostatitis can be a consequence of hypothermia, so it is recommended not to sit on cold curbs, pipes, stones or urinate on the street in winter.

Violations of the chair

The cause of prostatitis are frequent and prolonged constipation.

It is necessary to promptly treat any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the body

Because the transition of the disease into a chronic form can give complications on the prostate.

It is necessary to monitor the overall condition of the body

It is advisable to avoid constant stress, regular sleep deprivation, etc.

To reduce the amount of fat in the diet

It is recommended not to abuse products that contain refractory fat and large amounts of cholesterol.

It is better to refuse or to minimize consumption of red meat, fried foods, fatty dairy products. Preference should be given to dishes, steamed, boiled or stewed.

Eat foods that contain natural zinc

For prevention of prostatitis, it is useful to eat raw seeds pumpkin, sprouted wheat, dishes made from oats, nuts and peas.

Also very good to drink natural milk.

Drink natural freshly prepared juices and eat raw vegetables

A significant amount of fiber in vegetables regulates the bowels, and the active components of the juice well cleanse the urinary system, stimulates urine flow.

To limit the use of sharp and salty foods

Very salty and spicy meals, as well asvarious spices irritate the lining of the rectum and bladder, thereby adversely affecting the prostate gland.

To unsubscribe from alcohol

Alcohol increases blood flow to the prostate and small pelvis, and this disrupts the normal blood flow, which can begin to develop congestive prostatitis.

The uncontrolled use of different alcoholic beverages significantly decreases the level of male hormones and, as a consequence, the favorable factors for the development of inflammation in the prostate gland, which entail the emergence of sexual weakness.

To stop Smoking

As a result of heavy Smoking in men can decrease the level of testosterone in the blood, which negatively affects the tone of the prostate and contributes to the in the inflammation.

Also Smoking may damage the microcirculation and the venous outflow, which leads to the beginning of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.


As prevention of prostatitis it is useful to engage in physical exercise: walk, jog, swim, etc.

You can't hold back urination

With a very full bladder possible the flow of urine in the opposite direction, which affects the kidneys and promotes urine bacteria that can get into the urethra and cause the development of bacterial prostatitis.

Not drink at night

Better to abandon the intake of fluids before bedtime, especially drinks containing caffeine, as they promote frequent urination and irritate the bladder.

To ensure regular ejaculation

This makes it possible to prevent the obstruction of the urinary tract and normalizing their permeability.