Home / Prostatitis / Treatment / Treatment of prostatitis leeches and how they can help

Hirudotherapy or leech in the treatment of prostatitis. How effective they are in treatment.

Prostatitis is a serious disease involving the presence of inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

The main causes of prostatitis serve as symbiotic microorganisms (E. coli, enterococci), pathogenic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), viruses and protozoa (protozoa).

The clinical picture of prostatitis in the early stages is mainly due to the presence of stagnant phenomena in the pelvis, which occur in proportion to the intensity of inflammation of the prostate. This happens due to spasm of smooth muscles of the gland and bladder neck.

At the same time, the presence of stagnation is one of the causes of chronic inflammation. That is, the stagnation of blood and lymph provokes inflammation, and inflammation, in turn, contributes to spasm, and as a result stagnation. In other words, a vicious circle.

Among them stands out the hirudin – thrombin inhibitor. Thrombin activates the coagulation factor, a hirudin, an inhibitor that prevents activation. Roughly speaking, the leech saliva thins the blood. The thicker the blood, the more pronounced will be the symptoms of prostatitis that are caused by stagnation in the prostate gland.

Blood, liquefied after leech bite, faster passes through different areas of the pelvic vessels, which contributes to trophic stimulation prostate quick relief from the symptoms of the disease and to alleviate the condition of the patient.

Mostcommon two schemes of setting leeches for prostatitis – X-shaped setting leeches on the removal 3-3.5 cm from the anus, and production of leeches at a distance of about two inches from the middle seam of the crotch on both sides.

During one session of treatment used 4-5 leeches. The course of treatment lasts about a month, that is 4-5 treatments with an interval of 4-6 days.