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Which of the drugs is the best remedy prostatitis

Unfortunately, the best remedy for inflammation of the prostate is hard to find, as tactics of treatment depends on the causes and manifestations of prostatitis. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of diseases of the prostate gland must be individual. First and foremost, the best way is visiting a qualified physician who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the patient the correct treatment.

Self-treatment for prostatitis and drugs advertised in the media, without medical advice can not only bring positive results, but also cause many complications. Moreover, incorrectly chosen tactics of treatment of prostatitis forms in men a misconception that the disease is incurable.

Traditional methods of treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is acute or chronic form, so their treatment is slightly different. Launched acute prostatitis can gradually pass into the chronic stage, which requires a long and regular treatment.

Acute prostatitis

The acute form of the disease usually causes anxiety and pain during urination. The most common symptoms are a significant increase in body temperature to 38-390С, chills and General fatigue, malaise. In men with acute prostatitis occurs swelling of the prostate, contributing to a sharp delay of urine outflow. At the first sign of these symptoms you should immediately contact a urologist.

In acute prostatitis prescribe a comprehensive treatment that includes physiotherapy, antibiotic therapy, reflexology and, of course, a compulsory course of massage treatments.

Chronic prostatitis

If you do not seek medical help to the urologist, prostate disease from the acute stage to the chronic form progresses over 3-6 months. Chronic prostatitis often goes unnoticed, almost without any symptoms, acute only in the case of adverse conditions.

The chronic form of prostatitis is dangerous because that is the catalyst for many other diseases, for example, inflammation of the appendages, vesiculitis, and further the onset of erectile dysfunction, impotence and infertility.

The required condition for the treatment of prostate disease is the stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic area.

For this set of patients is assigned a special course of drugs that tone of the blood vessels and exercise. In addition, in the treatment of chronic forms of the disease the prostate gland shows the course of massage, as the only possibility to bring the inflammatory discharge from the male body through the urethra.

In chronic prostatitis, as in the acute form, a urologistselects and appoints a course of treatment for each patient individually, so buy the recommended drugs only as directed by your doctor.

Today often, doctors have become the traditional treatment of prostatitis Supplement recipes of traditional medicine that is well established in clinical studies.

Folk remedies for the treatment of chronic and acute prostatitis

Infusion of Basil and horseradish

In chronic prostatitis 120 g of pulp horseradish and 30 g flowering tops of Basil and finely chopped walnut leaves, pour one liter of dry red wine and leave for one day, while occasionally shaking the container.

After this healing mixture to boil and boil in a closed container for 10 minutes, then cool and strain. Take 50 ml in the acute form of the disease and 100 ml when chronic, more than three times per day.

Tincture from the bulbs

In acute prostatitis, will help the following recipe: 2 onions, chop into mush, pour 600 ml boiling water, wrap and let stand for two hours.

After this time, take 50 ml every hour.

The use of propolis

The desired positive effect when having prostatitis propolis extract, which is obtained by evaporation of 40 g per plant 210-220 ml of good vodka or alcohol. Of 0.1 g of the resulting extract, and 2 g of oil necessary to make candles and then enter them into the anus 1 every day before going to sleep.

Duration of one course 30 days. Treatment of prostate disease with candles propolis consists of 2-3 courses with a 30-60 day intervals.

Of onion and honey

In chronic prostatitis, will help the infusion is prepared from 300 g of a slurry of onions, 600 ml dry white wine 100 g honey. Mix everything carefully and leave for 7 days in a cool dark place.

The infusion should be periodically shake, and then strain. Medicine to drink about 30-60 ml three times a day.

The use of juice

Positively on the male body when the prostate is affected by fresh green juice. It is also useful to combine with beetroot, carrot and cucumber drink.


Very popular in folk medicine for the treatment of prostatitis is the herb Hemlock. It helps to normalize urination and relieve pain.

To prepare the tincture of Hemlock should be: 2 parts of seeds and the crushed dry leaves of the plant, pour 4 parts of alcohol (90%), leave in a dark place for 7 days and not to forget sometimes, to stir. Then strain and drink 2 drops to 15 ml to 5 times a 7 days.

Pear compote

Highly effective in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate is the fruit of pears. Prolonged use of pear compote lead to almost completerecovery.

Men, whose age exceeds 50 years, recommended the winter to dry fruit pear-wildings and its leaves, and then from autumn to spring to cook and drink fragrant tea or juice. This will serve as the treatment and prevention of chronic disease.

The infusion of Wintergreen

It is useful to take for prostatitis the infusion of the umbellate Wintergreen.

For its preparation it is necessary 15 grams of the plant to brew at 210-220 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 2 hours. Take 50 ml three times a day before meals.


When the disease prostatitis men with the aim of improving the immune system and protective forces of an organism it is recommended to consume pollen. The daily dose is better to eat in the morning before the first meal in 15-20 minutes.

In food, but not only before sleep or late evening. The daily maintenance dose is 10 g of pollen, shock – 30, the Course of treatment with pollen – 31 days, then had to take a break of one month. Throughout the year, you must complete 4 to 6 courses.

The medication of onion

The onion has established itself as the best means for arousing libido and stimulating the production of sperm. On steamed potato couple onions cure impotence.

Also useful for impotence and its seeds. Seed powder onion should be mixed with honey in equal proportion and eat 5 g three times a day. In folk medicine, this remedy is one of the best for treatment of prostatitis, especially if it is of venereal origin.

The juice of strawberries and firm pears

Can help with prostatitis, and the following prescription: squeeze the juice of 400 g of the strawberries and half of solid pear.

Then pour the juice into a blender add ripe banana, 15 g of brewer's yeast and mix it all together until smooth. The resulting drug drink 200 ml three times a day before meals.

Tea from Heather

In case of BPH is useful to take a tea made from the miracle plant — Ling.

Drink it should SIPS in throughout the day.

Ancient remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

A decoction of seeds of parsley

Parsley seeds crushed into powder. 20 g of the resulting powder pour 210-220 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool and strain.

Drink a healing broth 15 ml up to six times a day. Alternatively, infuse 5 g of seeds of parsley in the 210-220 ml of cold water for 8 hours. To take an infusion of 50 ml up to four times per day.

Infusion of plantain and eucalyptus

To prepare this recipe first you have to make the oil-extraction. This would require 5 g of calendula flowers, elecampane root, ripe fruitjuniper, burdock root, St. John's wort, lemon balm, horseradish, plantain leaves, eucalyptus and herbs celandine.

A mixture of plants to grind in a meat grinder 2-3 times. Continue to boil on low heat in an enamel container 150 g of corn oil. A clean, dry glass jar to microwave, put in her herbal, pour the hot corn oil, cover tightly with a lid, wrap and leave in a warm place for 40 days.

After 40 days, the infusion squeeze through tight nylon fabric and pour into a bottle. To add to the infusion of 2 g menthol or peppermint powder, 5 g of propolis and floral pollen. The bottle is tightly closed and again put in a warm place, but by 20 days. Means to apply 5 ml up to three times a day for 35 minutes before meals.

It is worth remembering that all of these traditional recipes require the consultation and approval of the attending physician, because they can also cause complications of the disease.