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Treatment and symptoms of acute prostatitis.

This disease is an acute inflammatory process that may be characterized by certain symptoms – severe pain, dysuria, hyperthermia, and septic condition. It can be caused by the same pathogens that provoke the occurrence of acute urinary tract infections.

This type of prostatitis is divided into parenchymatous, follicular, catarrhal. You may experience the following complications if it is not initiated immediate treatment of acute prostatitis — paraproctitis phlebitis venous plexus, periprostatic, as well as the formation of an abscess prostate.

The most common types is alopecia and diffuse prostatitis. This kind of prostatitis has a relative classification, as very often in the inflammatory process can be observed at the same time all forms, and in some cases may appear as successive stages of development of this disease.

The disease may gradually move from the catarrhal form in follikuliarny or parenhimatosny. There is no strict time limit on the development of one stage or another, as this process takes place in a strictly individual basis. On the development of the disease can have a direct impact the presence of concomitant pathological processes in the patient's body.

What can cause acute prostatitis

Among the predisposing factors of this disease may be a situation that contribute to the penetration into the body of the patient bacterial infection and colonization of tissues in the prostate:

  • the presence of instrumental interventions in the urethra;
  • the presence of urethral catheters;
  • phimosis;
  • stones in the prostate, which can be a consequence of prolonged conestee, and to be a manifestation of complications of chronic prostatitis;
  • vnutripsihicheskoy reflux of the urine can be caused by the presence of functional disorders of the sphincter that occur in the bladder;
  • the presence of promiscuous sexual relations, lack of a regular sexual partner;
  • the presence in the body of the patient chronic inflammatory diseases in sexual partner – chronic oophoritis, bacterial vaginosis and other diseases.

The inflammatory process in the prostate may form because of the following reasons:

  • the presence of associated diseases, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism;
  • the presence of venous congestion in the pelvic organs that can be caused by the presence of diseases such as hemorrhoids, obesity, abscess, lack of exercise.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is a special place because its developmentoccurs on the background of urosepsis, which is accompanied by the rapid development of the disease and such complications as phlegmon of the pelvis or abscess of the prostate.

The infection can penetrate into the prostate following ways:

  • while bacteremia is the hematogenous route;
  • in the presence of acute urethritis or urethral catheter fever is lymphogenous path;
  • through the rear Department of the urethra, passes through the ducts of the prostate is canalicular way.


The disease is accompanied by pronounced and acute symptoms – shortness and frequent urination, which is accompanied by severe pain, pain in perineum, suprapubic region, and anus, in the rectum there is a strong feeling of pressure in the genital area a feeling of discomfort.

You might also see a pretty strong feeling of intoxication hyperthermia can reach 39 degrees, appears tachycardia, severe nausea, tachypnea, fever, may be due to a septic condition.

If there is a fever, this is the first sign of a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Fever disappears within half an hour, but with this comes the increasing General weakness, there is excessive fatigue and sweating.

Depending on the form and stage in which the disease is will depend on the appearance of the clinical picture and the accompanying symptoms. Also not unimportant, the importance is the location of the focus of the inflammatory process in the prostate relative to the urethra, bladder neck, and rectum.

The severity of the disease can be hidden by the presence of alcoholism, diabetes or drug addiction. As a result, it can cause the patient to underestimate their condition. In acute prostatitis can be completely absent complaints from the patient or may be limited to only having a rather painful bowel movement, feeling of pressure in the perineum and rectum, when the patient is in a sitting position.

This disease may be accompanied by rather meager symptoms, that is why is so hard to diagnose the presence of prostatitis. Very often, this prostatitis "is covered by" common infectious diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider that when a man's temperature rose sharply and the availability of scarce clinical manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a digital rectal examination of the prostate.

In the presence of acute catarrhal prostatitis, the prostate is slightly enlarged or has undergone almost no changes. When performing a palpation it is possible to detect her mild pain. In patients suffering from acute parenchymatous prostatitis, prostate painful at the slightest touch and quite tense. She has a fairly tight density and the slightest touch will cause severe pain.


Patients who were diagnosed with acute prostatitis, it is recommended that immediate gospitalizirovany, what like a course of treatment in a special urological Department.

If the disease progresses without any additional complications, then the doctor can appoint carrying out antibacterial treatment. Generally, this type of treatment is quite successful and is carried out in several stages.

If the patient has severe intoxication, then the drugs should be administered intravenously. Subject to the normalization temperature, and the relief of symptoms accompanying acute prostatitis, then perhaps consideration of the transfer of the patient to oral use of drugs.

The average duration of pharmacotherapy should be a minimum of four weeks, if necessary, the therapy can be increased. But to prescribe medication should only doctor.

If the patient the body temperature increased to 37.5 degrees and high white count, there is not any adverse factors (diabetes, presence of repeated acute inflammation, advanced age of the patient), the treatment can have a duration of ten days, it can be assigned to outpatient fluoroquinolones.