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Prostatitis and how to treat it at home using tinctures

Many men today have increasingly become interested in the question of how to treat prostatitis at home folk remedies?

In the process of traditional therapy of the disease allowed concurrent treatment of prostatitis at home. To do this, use proven methods that have a positive effect on overall male health and facilitate the recovery of prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds since ancient times was used by many healers in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are a simple and effective folk remedy for the home treatment of prostatitis.

They contain a high amount of zinc, which helps cure disease. In men it is recommended to eat 30 seeds (daily body's need for zinc) before meals.

For the treatment pumpkin seeds you can use the following recipe: clean 0.5 kg of raw (not roasted) pumpkin seeds and mince. Then add 200 g of honey, mix and from the mixture make small balls, size of a hazelnut.

Treatment balls are stored in the refrigerator, but before eating better necessary amount to pay in advance, that they reached room temperature.

Use one ball, slowly, slowly (about 3-4 minutes) dissolving in the mouth, in the morning and evening for 30-35 minutes before a meal.

This folk remedy for the treatment of prostate disease has a very strong effect, therefore, only one course per year.

Treatment of prostatitis in bark of aspen

For the preparation of effective drugs need aspen bark collected in late April, at a time when not yet blossomed buds and leaves of the tree. The approximate thickness of the crust should be about 3-5 mm.
After collecting the hornet's bark must be dried in the shade or oven.

Next, 100 g of crushed dried bark put in a jar with a capacity of 500 ml and add 200 ml of vodka (it is necessary that the vodka fully covers the bark). Jar of medicine to close with a tight lid and 14 days to put in a cupboard or another dark place.

At the expiration of the specified time healing infusion of strain and drink before meals 3 times a day by diluting 20 drops in 50 ml of water or other liquid. Ready infusion, its application in daily will last for 30-45 days.

The use of hazel

Rip hazel twigs with leaves, cover them with water and boil for 25 minutes. Then leave to infuse until then, until the broth will not be a rich red-brown color. Next, pour the healing liquid into a bowl to hover over her prostate.

Such procedures should be carried out daily, in many cases, only one week. For each procedure it is better to usethe fresh twigs.

Helps cure prostate disease, and the following decoction: mix 15 g of powdered bark greenish hazel, 3 finely chopped parsley root, 30 g of leaves of ash, 15 g Zelenchuk yellow. 15 g of the mixture pour one liter of boiling water and boil under the lid closed for at least 20 minutes. Then strain and drink instead of tea or water throughout the day.

Another recipe used in the treatment of prostatitis in equal parts take the leaves of hazel, birch and horsetail herb. 60 g chopped mixture pour 600 ml of boiling water and boil for 5-8 minutes, then infuse for 60-70 minutes and strain.

Medication 100 ml three times a day for 30 days. This recipe is especially recommended for men, patients with chronic prostatitis.

Juice therapy for prostatitis

Drinking freshly prepared juice stimulates the secretion of the male body of uric acid absorption, which in muscles is often the cause of prostate diseases.

In the treatment of prostatitis in house conditions it is recommended to drink asparagus juice in combination with beet, carrot and cucumber. The juice of asparagus is recommended to drink at least 500 ml per day.

It is also useful in the treatment of prostatitis drink juice made from berries of black elderberry. In the morning on an empty stomach better to drink a glass of purified water, and after 15 minutes 15 ml of elderberry juice. The maximum duration of treatment with elderberry is 10 days.

Treatment of chronic forms of the disease propolis

Even our forefathers believed propolis is the most powerful antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. It contributes to the rapid elimination of symptoms of prostatitis and helps to cure the disease completely. Propolis strengthens its action combined with comprehensive therapy.

To obtain the extract of propolis, you need 40 g of raw material to evaporate 200 ml of good vodka or better pure alcohol. Then 0.1 g of evaporated propolis mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter and from the resulting mixture to make the candle. Ready to insert a candle before bed into the rectum. The month continues a course of treatment, then a break for 5-6 weeks and the course is repeated again.

Hemlock and celandine

In the treatment of prostatitis effective use of tincture of Hemlock and of the celandine plant. To prepare the medication it is necessary to take a dark container, put it on 7 g of each herb and pour 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Insist the mixture in a dark place for 10-12 days.

Accept the medicine in the morning before eating in 35 minutes.

Regimen tinctures: on the first day of admission to 30 ml of water add 1 drop of tincture, daily for 30 days to increase one drop at a time (ie 1 day – 1капля 30 ml of water, day 2 – 2 drops, etc.). After the 30th day drops again it is necessary to reduce to 60day need to go back to one drop.

Physical activity

Patients with prostatitis recommended daily physical activity: long walks (without hypothermia), the morning a small charge etc. are Also useful water treatment: you should take a cold sitz baths (2 minutes hot water and 1 minute in the cold). These baths should be taken 2 times a day for 15 minutes each.

When the disease of the prostate is useful to increase the quantity consumed per day of liquids and food. This will help to prevent urinary retention, the occurrence of kidney infection and cystitis.

Prostate cancer depends on daily diet, so to warn you, it is important to follow a diet. It is also recommended to back up the diet a regular intake of saturated acids (up to 6 capsules per day) and zinc (15 mg a day).