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How is the prevention of prostatitis.

Most often such unpleasant disease as prostatitis exposed men over the age of 50 years, especially if the person leads a sedentary lifestyle, with inadequate diet, abuse of alcohol, and often suffering from inflammatory diseases, including pelvic. That is why prevention is very important.

The development of prostatitis can be triggered by the presence of men are overweight, including obesity, abuse of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Also at risk are people suffering from hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, disorders of the synthesis of hormones in the body, atherosclerosis. One of the important roles played by the nature of power.

For example, in China and Japan, the population is in the diet mainly consume plant and not animal fats, so this disease is extremely rare. Among the most harmful products that can cause tumor of the prostate are frozen cream, ice cream, cold whole milk, and sour cream.

What contributes to the formation of prostatitis

It is necessary to normalize fatintestines, to normalize the acidity of its environment (it should be slightly acidic). The pollution of the intestine occurs due to improper combination of food, refined and cooked food, reception drinks unnatural and improper fluid intake. It is also necessary to carry out restorative procedures for the whole body, which stimulate and restore the immune system and other protective properties of the organism.

The next step for prevention of prostatitis it is recommended to use special means, not only medication but also people's. Lately, the growing popularity of such means of prevention as tea with extract of willow, which is also known as fireweed.

Fireweed is used as medicines, as it includes flavonoids, tannins, fitosterina and various acids. The aqueous extract of this plant is used to prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Prevention is very important that the drug could be used for a long time, and that it did not cause the appearance of side effects.

Capsules that contain the extract of fireweed can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Tea can be easily made at home – in 500 milliliters of boiling water should take three tsp. spoon Ivan-tea, infuse for five minutes, then filtered and taken twice a day before the meal in a glass.