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Treatment of prostatitis drugs: what medications are used

Inflammation of the prostate gland – prostatitis – more common in men of reproductive age, i.e. from 20

up to 50 years. A few years ago, this disease was often attributed to men over the age of 60. The reason for this change, of course, is the proliferation of oppressive body factors.

Thus, today, this insidious disease has become a real problem in modern urology: patients, not knowing the consequences, prefer to remain silent about his bad health. However, the lightheadedness can lead to such sad consequences as irreversible infertility and inflammatory processes in many bodies.

Prostatitis occurs due to the occurrence of bacterial infections, the pathogens which get into the prostate in different ways – ascending (urethra), downward (from the bladder), lymphogenous and hematogenous (due to inflammation of other organs – sinusitis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids and even tooth decay). However, in addition to infection itself, there are some factors that trigger the mechanism of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Contribute to the development of the disease hypothermia, weakened immune system, hormonal disorders, damage to the urinary tract, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sexual life, a passive lifestyle. There are two types of prostatitis – acute and chronic, each of which requires both General and individual approaches to treatment.


The treatment of the disease is the elimination of stagnation in the prostate gland or inflammation. But in order to finally deal with this disease, you must first eliminate the cause of its appearance, and then already to treat the disease itself.

Diagnosis – swab from the urethra, to calculate whether the gland viruses, protozoa or bacteria. If any are identified, then a bacterial infection will need antibiotic therapy (antibiotics), and viral etiologies — drugs interferon or gamma globulin.

Depending on the extent of damage becomes clear how long this phase of treatment.

Medicines – you can't go without

First, we need to make sure that the process of infectious nature. If so, drugs in this category necessary. In addition, they are almost always prescribed for chronic prostatitis, even if clear signs of infection.

The best option will be to take a swab from the urethra and to investigate the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics – this will allow you to choose the most effective drug.

Antibacterial therapy is carried out by the group of antibiotics-fluoroquinolones – cipro,the ofloxacin, sparfloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and others.

This is because this antibiotic penetrates well into tissues of the prostate gland, in contrast to the antibiotics penicillin, macrolide and cephalosporinase series.

Antibiotic therapy may take quite a long time – up to three months. But do not forget that the thoughtless use of antibiotics does not benefit anyone else brought – be sure to consult with a specialist to advise, what kind of medication you need.

Note patient many drugs in this category have a depressing effect on sperm, but it is only during the treatment! Don't worry about it – a couple of months fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa is fully restored.

Together with antibiotics appropriate use of antifungal medications, like nystatin, because antibiotics work only on bacteria, and on the background of reduced immunity appears predisposed to mycotic (i.e., fungal) diseases.

You can also assign alpha blockers, which suppress pain and relieve spasm of the gland by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate.

In parallel with antibiotic therapy, the man appointed prostate massage – the procedure is quite uncomfortable and painful, but absolutely necessary to cure prostatitis. Also the doctor will prescribe tonic drugs which resolves stagnant processes and improve the body's immunity.

Many have to do and the patient to the treatment was faster, provide better blood circulation, the patient should lead an active lifestyle – move more, sit less or to lie.

For a comprehensive effective treatment of prostatitis man will surely additionally will prescribe medications, which include natural components. These drugs significantly improve the prognosis of treatment. Price the following drugs varies from the highest to the lowest, and it will depend on how the effectiveness of the drug and the "rating" of a pharmaceutical company.

Prostatilen improves blood circulation, normalizes the process of sperm formation, tones the muscles of the bladder, combats pathogenic flora. If the drug is presented in the form of an ampoule, its contents diluted and is intramuscular injection. The drug is organic, according to experts, aims to eliminate it of the disease rather than its symptoms.


Alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea root and licorice, herbs Canada goldenrod and St. John's wort, which is anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, is struggling with Streptococcus and Staphylococcus, improves microcirculation. Release form – the dropper bottle.

A positive effect occurs after the course of treatment of 4-6 weeks.

Prostamol UNO

This drug is prescribed to patients suffering from chronic forms of prostatitis. The main active ingredient of this herbal drug extract of the fruit of Sabal Palmetto. Available in capsules. The drug normalizes the process of urination, relieves pain. The course of treatment is calculated individually.

Prostate Forte men with the formula

This dietary Supplement is not only used as a treatment for prostatitis, but also as active prevention. The trace elements copper and zinc, amino acids, extracts of burdock, pumpkin, dwarf palm trees and white poplar, are part of the drug, improve metabolism in the prostate, normalizes the process of urination.

In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate also used the pumpkin seed oilis rich in zinc. After six months of treatment, patients noted the disappearance of pain syndrome, improvement of bladder, normalization of cholesterol in blood, increased potency.

Universal tool (for both prevention and treatment) is Licola. This natural formula includes derivatives of algae chlorophyll and carotenoids normalizes the process of urination, relieves pain, anti-inflammatory effect. To prevent the course of treatment is repeated three times a year.

In the modern market of pharmaceutical medications such as chronic and acute forms of prostatitis is widely represented. Here, however, we should not forget that the selection of drugs to be individual, and before you start self-administration of any medication, need to consult a urologist. Because sometimes self-treatment can bring more harm than good.

Complacency is the enemy of health

What will happen if the disease is left untreated? If a man is "lucky"to get sick with an acute form of prostatitis, is extremely important at the first symptoms to see a doctor – it will help faster and more efficiently to cope with the disease.

If the pathology will flow into the chronic stage, the possible long-term remission during which the patient temporarily stops pains in the groin when urinating, the body temperature will not be much different from normal, a man may decide that restored and sexual function.

However, during this "deceptive euphoria the inflammatory process that originated in the prostate, penetrates deeper in all human organs. Besides sudden remission replaced exacerbations, symptoms which are much brighter than the previous one.

Carelessness towards health can lead to many unpleasant complications – abscesses, loss of potency, infertility. Moreover, infertility in advanced stages of inflammation of the prostate rarely may be subjected to treatment.