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What are baths for prostatitis and how to apply them

For the past several centuries for treatment of prostatitis are special baths. Often when performing such therapeutic activities adds a special decoction of herbs, such as peppermint, yarrow, chamomile, and others.

When the prostate is recommended to consult physician and only then begin to home treatment.

Preparation and use

With the addition of lavender flowers

Able to provide a calming effect. To prepare this bath, you need to take raw materials (about 70 grams) and pour boiling water (five liters), leaving exactly one-third hours, after which, be sure, to filter.

Make it necessary for 10 min., the temperature should be between 35 and 38 Celsius. The course includes 12 to 14 techniques.

Medicinal chamomile

It has antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory action. To make a bath you need to take chamomile flowers (exactly 50 grams) and pour boiling water (five liters), insist quarter of an hour, and then filtered and poured into the prepared water.

The duration of intake should be not more than 15 min., the course includes 12 to 14 techniques.

With the addition of oat straw

Able to provide a calming effect. To prepare this bath, you will need to take the oat straw (about 150 grams), then carefully grind and pour boiling water (five liters). Put on fire and bring to boil, boil for 20 minutes, then have to filter.

Extract to pour in in advance prepared the bath should be between 35 and 38 degrees, the duration shall not exceed 15 minutes. After you need to relax a bit. The course should include from 12 to 14 treatments.

With the use of hay meadow grasses

Has analgesic and antispasmodic effects. To prepare, you will need to take dry raw materials (about 500 grams) and pour boiling water (five liters), put on fire, bring to boil and boil for 15 minutes, then filtered and add in the pre-poured water, whose temperature should be between 35 and 38.

After admission you need to relax a bit, the treatment should include 12 and to-14 methods.

With grass, yarrow

Able to exert antispasmodic, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. To make a bath you will need to get the raw materials (about 70 grams) and pour boiling water (five liters), leave for 10-t minutes to steep, then be sure to filter, then add water.

Make it necessary for720 seconds, but not more, the temperature should be between 35 and 38 degrees. Course of treatment should be from 12 to 15 treatments.

With the addition of horsetail

It has antispasmodic, sedative, and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a bath you need to take a dry raw material (70 grams) and pour boiling water (five liters) leave for half an hour, then be sure to filter, then you can add the ingredients.

Appointment time must be no longer than 12 minutes, the water temperature should be between 35 and 38 degrees. The course of treatment includes from 14 to 14 treatments. If not possible to adopt a sedentary, you can prepare the foot.

Foot bath

First need feet put in water whose temperature must be at least 37 degrees, at the same time gradually added hot water. Duration should not exceed 15 min., then the feet should be carefully wiped and put on warm socks. In order to obtain the maximum positive results it is necessary to add herbs.

Baths should be done with a gradual increase in water temperature, the first procedure starts with 36 degrees, it is necessary periodically to refill the hot water and bring it to 40 Celsius. To accept such a procedure is recommended for no longer than a quarter of an hour.