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Treatment of prostatitis-tested exercises.

Prostatitis – an inflammatory disease that is most often associated with any long-term processes that have occurred in the prostate gland.

The location of this male organ is very specific: fabrics do not have sufficient access to the blood and not too good krovosnabjaemah (compared to many other organs of the human body).

As a consequence of such features of the prostate gland – lack of oxygen in tissues and cells. Without oxygen any fabrics considerably reduce their productive activities. Cells either fall into some kind of "hibernation", or even die.

For these reasons, special complexes of exercises not only help to improve the health of patients, but also gradually to get rid of the disease.

It is worth noting that, as any treatment, this exercise sometimes has contraindications:

  • The tendency to high blood pressure;
  • The displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Acute inflammation, especially in the area of the urinary organs.

Physical exercise is not considered by physicians as an independent method of treatment. This therapy is rather a Supplement to conventional treatment, which will amplify the effect and accelerate the recovery. To rely only on exercises and to refuse medication and massage is not recommended.

The following exercise is done just sitting, and will also get rid of a couple extra pounds

Initial position: sitting on the buttocks on the floor, stretched straight legs, back straight.

Begin to walk forward slightly helping himself with Mahi hands to the beat movement. Performed forward, and then back forward.

Exercise with a tennis ball can partially replace prostate massage

You need to sit on the ball for tennis the crotch area and with the help and support of the hands to keep the balance in 3-5 minutes.

At first you might feel discomfort and even pain, but this is the norm.

School physical education will also be useful

Remember the "birch". You need to lie on the floor, tear off pelvis from the floor and lift involved leg up. The torso support can be bent at the elbows with your hands.

Then execute a "boat": based on the stomach, severing the arms and legs simultaneously at the maximum distance from the floor, hold this position for as much as you would physical training.

Effective exercises during urination

In the process we need to try to stop the process through the reduction of intimate muscles and the muscles of the anus.

In this exercise, gradually it becomes clear what muscles are involved and how to manage them. You can then repeat the exercise throughout the day without the process of urination.

Sex as a physical therapy

Men suffering from prostatitis, often wonder: whether it is possible to have sex during treatment? Experts answer unambiguous – is moderate, but sufficient sexual activity is a prerequisite for the cure of prostatitis. If no permanent partner, it is recommended to use even self-love.

A complete rejection of sex, or its acute shortage lead to fluid stagnation in the prostate gland and its ducts. It will worsen the patient's condition. Regular release from the seminal fluid contributes to the elimination of stagnation and even relieve inflammation.

During intercourse and especially during orgasm, the muscles around the anus and the prostate, all the muscles of the pelvis contract and relax in a rhythm that is good exercise these muscles, and it is important for the treatment of prostatitis. Such muscle activity for the impact on the prostate is many times superior to traditional massage.

For relief of the condition, it is recommended to have sex at least twice a week, even if earlier the number of sex acts was much less. A sick man mustto avoid delay ejaculation practice interrupted intercourse, and sharp terminations of frictional movements. This has a negative impact on the condition of the prostate, and on the health of men.

If you follow these rules, the sex in combination with exercise for the treatment of this unpleasant disease can significantly shorten the course of treatment. From prostatitis cure is always difficult, so you need only a comprehensive treatment.