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The symptoms of prostatitis. That will help to make a diagnosis.

Prostatitis – an inflammation that occurs in the prostate gland. This is a fairly common disease in men, growing after 30 years.

An important role in the timely diagnosis of the disease is a visit to the urologist healthy men over the age of 35, it is also important to know all the relevant symptoms of prostatitis. Through the use of highly efficient methods of treatment of the prostate in men, the doctor will help to cope with this disease at any stage of its development.

There are four forms of prostatitis: chronic bacterial, acute bacterial, prostatodynia (asymptomatic) and noninfectious (abacterial).

Disease any kind of prostatitis begins with the inflammatory process excretory ducts and acini proliferation. On their walls, destroyed the epithelium, which begins to accumulate in the channels with mucus.

In addition, the ducts are formed small stones, microliths they are mixed with epithelium and mucus, forming plugs, which clog the ducts.

Over time, the tubes turn into abscesses (microabscesses), stop drainage lobules of the prostate, and they gradually cease to work. It is at this point beginning to show the first signs of prostatitis.

Symptoms of prostatitis acute bacterial forms

Men up to 35 years, the disease occurs more frequently in acute bacterial form. The diagnosis of "bacterial prostatitis" is placed in the case, if during the laboratory examination of the patient revealed the presence of infection.

The first symptom of acute bacterial prostatitis is a slight difficulty urination. An inflamed prostate is somewhat enlarged in volume, thereby squeezing the urethra.

Over time, the inflammatory process causes sclerosis of the bladder neck and, in more serious cases, the ureter is completely overlapped by.

The second sign is a noticeable deterioration of potency. With the disease of violated mechanism of erection and, as a consequence, significantly attenuated the orgasm.

Also for acute inflammatory prostatitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • drowsiness, weakness;
  • body temperature 380C;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the painful sharp sensations in the groin area, around the anus and in the perineal area;
  • difficulty and pain during defecation and urination.

Signs of chronic forms of the disease

In the course of the disease in the chronic form, the symptoms bother patients much less than in acute forms. They have a very variable picture can be bright or Vice versa is practically invisible.

Patients feel:

  • a slight decrease in sexual activity;
  • slightly difficult urination;
  • noticeable increase or decrease in the timing of intercourse;
  • sharply the arising and quickly passing burning, painful sensations in the urethra and groin area and slight discomfort when urinating;
  • General weakness and lethargy;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • the secretion of the prostate gland during a bowel movement.

The symptoms of prostatitis abacterial forms

Distinguish between non-inflammatory and inflammatory chronic abacterial prostatitis. In inflammatory form symptoms chronic prostate disease and increase of leukocytes in the prostatic secretions, and if non-inflammatory – the number of leukocytes may be normal.

The main features of abacterial prostatitis are:

  • pain in the testicles (the testicles);
  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • strong tension in the area of the sphincter.

Prostatitis is the asymptomatic form occurs without any symptoms, i.e. inflammation present, and the patient may not realize that suffer from this disease.

Possible complications prostatitis

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can lead to the following complications:

  • pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes of the kidneys;
  • suppuration (abscess) in the prostate requiring urgent surgical intervention;
  • the transition of acute forms to chronic;
  • retidiviruuschem the prostatitis;
  • obstruction of the bladder with retention of urine, in this case not to do without surgical treatment;
  • development of male infertility;
  • sepsis – a complication threatening a person's life (may occur in patients with renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, and in people with lowered immunity).

In order to prevent different kinds of complications at the first sign of prostatitis, you must consult a urologist who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Diagnosis of prostatitis

To determine the presence of disease or its stage, the patient has to undergo series of tests:

  • One of the most important studies – the analysis of prostate secretion. Juice prostate inflammation will show a decrease in the number of lecithin granules and increase in white blood cells. Trichomonas or gonorrheal form, the analysis detected bacteria are the simplest trichomonadal and gonorrhea.
  • General analyses of urine and blood.
  • Seeding of prostate secretion on sensitivity to antibiotics and flora.
  • Patients older than 40 years need to examine the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, this is due to the increase in the frequency of cancer of the prostate, which can masquerade as chronic prostatitis.
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate. Ultrasound of the prostate may be rectal through the rectum and abdominal using stomach. For patients with thin to medium body Constitution recommended abdominal examination, and with rectal.

Ultrasound shows the size and structure of the parenchyma of the prostate, additional education calcifications, cysts, the structure of the capsule. At the time of the procedure examined seminal vesicles, bladder, coloproctectomy and paravesical fiber.