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Is it possible at a young age to get prostatitis

One of the most common diseases of urology in men is prostatitis. It was believed that prostatitis in males over forty years old, but unfortunately, in our time prostatitis at a young age, increasingly common.

What is prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate, which is based on the inflammatory process.

The prostate gland is an exclusively male body, therefore suffer from prostatitis only men. Its function is the generation of secret, which is part of semen. It is formed from smooth muscle and glandular tissue surrounded by a fibrous sheath (capsule).

Its location it occupies in the pelvis in the lower front part, under the bladder. The gland itself is divided into three lobes: two lateral (left and right), and disposed between the center portion. Ducts that emit seed, open into the urethra.


The causes of this disease may be different. Prostatitis can occur as a complication in infectious diseases, flu, sore throat. Very often, prostatitis cause infections that are transmitted sexually such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis ( thrush), or other fungal infections, with urethritis (inflammation of urethra) also often develop the disease.

Constipation can also occur with prostatitis – circulatory disorders of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can occur as a consequence of venous congestion in small pelvis and scrotum.

Lifestyle factors such as hypothermia (sitting on cold surfaces), muscle strain (lifting something heavy) contribute to the progression of the disease. Keeping promiscuous is one of the risk factors for this disease.

Bacterial prostatitis causing bacteria, most of which reside on the skin of humans and in the gut. With infectious prostatitis infection gets into the prostate gland via the urinary ducts. And indeed, the prostate is located in such a way that the risk of contamination of infection is very high.

Forms of prostatitis

There are two forms of prostatitis:

  • the acute form is characterized by an acute course of the disease, if untreated, may go into an abscess (the abscess cavity prostate);
  • chronic form – the symptoms are less pronounced, requires a longer treatment process.

Increasingly, you can meet boys with the disease prostatitis in 20 years. It is important to know the symptoms and the time to go to the doctor for help.


The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by fever (up to 38 degrees Celsius),difficult urination, accompanied by painful sensations, General weakness, increased drowsiness, sweating, pain in the groin and anus, impairment of potency.

Massage improves circulation, opens the ducts that facilitates the release of stagnant secretions, which overlook and bacteria.

Antibiotic therapy

Usually begin after the determination of the flora of the prostate. Medication choose those to which the microflora is more sensitive, as only they will be able to effectively neutralize the pathogen.

The drug is to the establishment of specific pathogen should be broad spectrum.

Physical therapy

Is prescribed by a doctor. At the discretion of the physician assigned to one of physiotherapy: laser therapy, magnetotherapy, microwave therapy.

And lifestyle changes


Because prostatitis in young people and older people is not so rare, and the treatment process itself, for exampleright, not pleasant, best to do everything for You not to get sick. Prevention of prostatitis is the observance of personal hygiene.

Need to prevent hypothermia (not to sit on cold surfaces), to minimize foods that cause constipation (sweet, fatty and fried foods, because it promotes blood flow to the small pelvis.

It is important to lead an active lifestyle, exercise, different types of workouts (this is especially important for people who spend a lot of time in a seated position).

As chronic prostatitis leads to many complications and can even lead to infertility, it is recommended from the age of 30, once a year to undergo examination by a specialist urologist.